Works in progress mcc01001's Works in progress photoset

Finished projects mcc01001's Finished projects photoset

I'm not planning on ANYTHING until this Icelandic sweater is complete!

... although I do have thoughts of finishing the purple baby sweater for my friend and making a bright pink fluffy scarf for Dave's cousin, but we'll see

James Blunt - Back to Bedlam

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams

Audioslave - Out of Exile

Food Network

Rachael Ray's Salami Scrambles

Swiss Cheese Scramble - Breakfast Casserole

Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Some Christmas Ideas


I am a true New Englander living in Florida with my husband for the year where I am finishing up my last year of graduate school. I was recently married to my amazing husband in June and am loving every moment of creating our home together, along with our kitties Lily and Socrates. Life gets busy, so I am continually striving to balance work and play time, and enjoy all the moments along the way!

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

What an awesome weekend... and it's only half over!!!

So I haven't written in a LONG time.... and I haven't made much progress on my knitting in a LONG time... Oh well, I will get back to it this week. I decided against doing the Rowan poncho... and instead I want to make one of those shrug/cardigan things. I can't find a pattern for one, but I did see a picture of Jude Law's fiancee in People magazine who was wearing one that I would love to make... I'll have to post a pic of it later on, and maybe someone has a pattern suggestion???

As for non-knitting news.... It's been a crazy, fun-filled few weeks. Well, last week was insane with school stuff, and then this past week I've been working at the Learning Center. It's fun to go back to work for a change, but I really do enjoy school better than work! And the second half of this week has been as series of birthday celebrations and St. Patty's day celebrations that seem to never end. Dave came up on Thursday night for St. Patty's Day and we went out in Faneuil Hall with a bunch of our college friends from UConn - so much fun! Then the birthday celebration began at midnight! Somehow I made it through work the next day (quite hung-over, though). There was more birthday celebrating last night - we went out to The Liquor Store with a bunch of my grad school friends. And yes, I rode the mechanical bull!!! Now I'm back at home for a traditional Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage with the fam.... and then I'm back to Boston tomorrow for the Parade in Southie. Whew - what a weekend!

As soon I get some pics, I'll post a few.

Comments on "What an awesome weekend... and it's only half over!!!"


Blogger Heide said ... (9:49 AM) : 

Hi there. Gidget Casts On has a cool shrug that she made,here's her post about the on-the-fly patter she used:

And the boof Scarf Style has a cool pattern for a turtleneck shrug.

Good luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:26 PM) : 

Whoop! Another knitting Meg out there in blogland. Love it! I've added you to my bloglist so keep updating! Good luck with the shrug- I'm sure it's still chilly enough in Boston that you'll get good use out of it before summer!


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