Works in progress mcc01001's Works in progress photoset

Finished projects mcc01001's Finished projects photoset

I'm not planning on ANYTHING until this Icelandic sweater is complete!

... although I do have thoughts of finishing the purple baby sweater for my friend and making a bright pink fluffy scarf for Dave's cousin, but we'll see

James Blunt - Back to Bedlam

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams

Audioslave - Out of Exile

Food Network

Rachael Ray's Salami Scrambles

Swiss Cheese Scramble - Breakfast Casserole

Spinach & Artichoke Dip

Some Christmas Ideas


I am a true New Englander living in Florida with my husband for the year where I am finishing up my last year of graduate school. I was recently married to my amazing husband in June and am loving every moment of creating our home together, along with our kitties Lily and Socrates. Life gets busy, so I am continually striving to balance work and play time, and enjoy all the moments along the way!

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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Big Bad Baby Blanket (update)

So the baby blanket is coming along.... very slowly. I suppose the reason is that I am not the fastest knitter (quite slow, actually) and I am so worried about making mistakes that I have definitely been taking my time. It just seems to take forever to get through one row! But I absolutely LOVE how it is coming along. I chose an awesome light green Bernat Baby yarn that I love! It is just so soft and I can tell that it will be a real quality blanket when it's finished. I am only like 15 rows into the seed stitch and it feels like it is taking forever. My roommate, Anne, finished the seed stitch border and says that it moves along much faster once you get past the border stage.

I'm trying to decide whether to follow the pattern exactly, or whether I should modify it a bit. This is what the pattern calls for:
(I didn't include the pattern for the seed stitch border because I am definitely going to continue that throughout the piece)
row 1: k53, p53
row 2: k53, p53 (repeat until measures 14 ")
row 1: p53, k53
row 2: p53, k53 (repeat until measures 25")

I'm thinking that having the four "quadrant" type things might create lumpy lines in the blanket where the pattern switches that may not be so comfortable. So instead I could just do regular stockinette stitch for the whole blanket (and keep the regular seed stitch border). Anne is doing it the modified way. I'm thinking of doing it the way the pattern calls for, but I want it to be comfortable. Hmmm.... decisions, decisions, decisions.

All other projects are on hold because I just found out about ANOTHER pregnant friend! Looks like I'll be making more of these blankets! :)

Comments on "Big Bad Baby Blanket (update)"


Blogger Sarita said ... (4:50 AM) : 

I did the pattern as called for - and after blocking it turned our really nice. It wasn't bumpy at the change and the effect is really cool. Also, you end up with the exact same design on the back. It is one of those things people look at and think - "oh that looks hard to knit" but you know that it isn't :)

I think modifying it would still make a really cool blanket and it would knit really fast. But, it is true once you get through the initial seed stitch row, it all goes much faster.


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