I'm not planning on ANYTHING until this Icelandic sweater is complete!
... although I do have thoughts of finishing the purple baby sweater for my friend and making a bright pink fluffy scarf for Dave's cousin, but we'll see
James Blunt - Back to Bedlam
Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Audioslave - Out of Exile
Rachael Ray's Salami Scrambles
About Me
- Name: Megan
I am a true New Englander living in Florida with my husband for the year where I am finishing up my last year of graduate school. I was recently married to my amazing husband in June and am loving every moment of creating our home together, along with our kitties Lily and Socrates. Life gets busy, so I am continually striving to balance work and play time, and enjoy all the moments along the way!

Previous Posts
- a finished project!
- knitting, celebrating, cheering, eating, and garde...
- my icelandic sweater
- my iceland adventures!
- the official martini of the season
- Where have I been???
- now that's ONE HUMUNGOUS FOOT!
- this weekend at the movies.....
- Turkey Day!
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
- April 2005
- May 2005
- June 2005
- August 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- January 2006
- March 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
knitting, celebrating, cheering, eating, and gardening!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
my iceland adventures!
Wow, it's been a really, really, really long time since I've posted on my blog.... Well, I've been pretty busy since then with school and all. Oh, and I just got back from Iceland! My mom is there for a month and I went with my gramma to visit her for a week. We stayed at a place called The Blue Lagoon and it was absolutely amazing. The landscape, the sites, and the people were all fantastic. It was such a great way to visit a new country, escape the real world for a while, and just relax. Here are a few photos of our trip: CLICK ON THE PICTURE FOR A LARGER IMAGE.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh! And I got back into the knitting groove!!!! Iceland is well-known for it's sheep and yarn. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Alafoss Factory Outlet where I purchased a whole bunch of yarn to make my first sweater! I absolutely love the Iceandic sweaters, and some the Icelandic women we met at The Blue Lagoon helped me with a pattern and get started on knitting one of my own. Everyone was so helpful, it was wonderful. Especially because my pattern is written in ICELANDIC!!! One of the women brought in her daughter's sweater so that I could try it on: ![]() Oh, so about the sweater I'm wearing in the picture... I'm going to make the same design, but with different colors. My main color (the body) will be charcoal and the colors in the pattern will be white and a natural wool color (light brown). I'll post pictures of my yarn and the progress I've made later...... stay tuned.... |
Thursday, January 12, 2006
the official martini of the season
This was a hit all season long we were drinking these! Did you know that it's one of Oprah's favorite things?! :) It started when my mom and I were watching Oprah and she had Rachael Ray (gotta love her!) help her put on a party. And Oprah was so into these martini's that we just had to go out and make them. Who knew you could be helping your body (with all those anti-oxidants in pomegranate juice) while enjoying a fantastic drink!? Click here for: Oprah's Pomegranate Martini Recipe Each year my mom and I have a new drink we serve at all our holiday parties (two years ago we did Cosmo's and last year was the White Grape Martini). My mom is a piano teacher and has a Christmas recital where all the kids play Christmas music and we have a party afterwards. And of course she has to have a theme! This year it was "The Christmas Story"... all the songs were related to the story of Christ's birth and she decorated accordingly. It was beautiful. I wonder if Alex has pics of the recital too... hmm??? |
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Where have I been???
Okay, so I've never been a very diligent blogger, but this time I went off the deep end. When was my last post? November?!?! Where to begin.... Christmas at home was great! I had my 2nd annual Christmas party the night before Christmas Eve. A bunch of my closest girlfriends from high school all came over. We got dressed up, ate great food, and lots of wine and drinks! It's always great to have those girly parties. We celebrated Christmas Day at my Gramma's. Dave joined us this year :) I got *some* of my Christmas knits done ;) I'm still working on completing a few more promised gifts. I did get my mom's red scarf done a long time ago, my brother Alex's felted clogs are almost done (one is complete and felted, the other needs a finished sole and to be felted... to do this weekend!), my brother Drew's ginormous hat is half finished (I'm going to rip it out and start over!), my Gramma's scarf is 3/4 finished, and my dad got a couple balls of yarn (promised to someday become a hat!). So yeah, I wasn't so successful in the knitting department, but they WILL be done eventually. I did get a bunch of great knitting related gifts. A few days after Christmas, the whole family went to see the musical White Christmas in Boston (a Christmas gift to my Gramma). It was fantastic! And dinner afterwards in the North End just topped it off. And then the next day, I had another party at my place in Boston for New Year's! My brother and a bunch of friends from home and college visited... another successful night :) But I'm finally up in Boston again. I was home in CT for most of my winter break. It was so nice to just hang out at home with nothing to do. Unfortunately I always had my Master's research, apartment hunting, and a summer job search nagging me in the back of my mind. And I was successfull at getting some of that done. And now I'm gearing up to get back to school for the second semester of my second year of grad school. Dorky me, I'm actually excited for classes to begin next week. My brother Alex has all the holiday pictures on his digital (which is in CT), so hopefully I'll be able to upload and share them this weekend... stay tuned. |
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
If you are one of my brothers... DON'T READ THIS POST! I doubt that will be a problem because I don't think they care enough about my knitting habit to read my blog unless I tell them to :) So I got the pattern for the Fiber Trends Felted Clogs in the mail yesterday. I'm making two pairs -- Christmas presents for each bro. I must admit that the pattern seemed so daunting at first, that I almost decided to do a different project instead. But once I got going I realized that it's really easy. As long as you keep track of your stitches. Counting every single stitch can be a drag, but oh well. So I started the sole last night and continued on the toe and instep today. And it is turning out to be one GIGANTIC slipper! I am so tempted to give them the slippers without felting them, just to see their reactions! Every now and again I pause to take a look at my progress and I actually laugh out loud imagining a foot that big. Anyhoo... I have spent way too much time on knitting today... back to the books. |
Monday, November 28, 2005
this weekend at the movies.....
I haven't kept up with the books as much as I used to -- I read the first two Harry Potter books when I was teaching in Stamford because that is all the kids ever talked about. It was basically a necessity in order to have a conversation and interact with the kids. But going back to school hasn't helped in keeping up with my pleasure reading. Thank god for the movies though. We saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this weekend on IMAX and I thought it was by far the best of the first four movies. As the characters grow up, there is a more of a comedic side to it, and there is definitely action and suspense. Definitely check it out! Meg gives it two thumbs up :) |
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Turkey Day!
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! It's always so nice to just chill with the fam, cook and eat great food, drink great wine, watch football for hours, and visit with old friends. I love the holidays. This year we all seem to be getting into the Christmas spirit a bit earlier than usual. Who cares... it's fun! I didn't get much knitting done this weekend (actually, I should say that there was no knitting at all this weekend, oh well). But I have been doing some cooking! We all go to my Gramma's for Brunch/Appetizers after my cousins run the Manchester Road Race Thanksgiving morning (I've only run once, but it was a lot of fun... you can usually find me at the HS football game instead!) This year we made a yummy breakfast casserole. I added the link for the recipe on my sidebar. It was definitely a hit! Then we went to my aunts for more apps and dinner. I made my party specialty -- Spinach & Artichoke Dip. Love it! Since I've been eating healthier, I've definitely gotten into cooking a lot more. But don't be mistaken, these two recipes are the farthest thing from healthy. But it's the holidays and they taste so unbelievably good, so I opt to just not think about it :) After too many days of doing nothing and hanging out, I gotta get back to the real world... the books and studying await... |